TCS Ratios Financial summary of TCS TCS Profit Loss Cash Flow Ratios Quarterly Half-Yearly Yearly financials info of TCS. Average 2 year ROE of Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Is significantly higher than its historical 5-year average. The solvency ratios of TCS are summarized as follows. 0 0 Offer. The EVEBITDA NTM ratio of TECSYS Inc. Is significantly higher than its historical 5-year average. MUMBAI April 16 2020. TCS the leading global IT services consulting and business solutions organization reported its consolidated financial results according to Ind AS and IFRS for the quarter and financial year ending March 31 2020. Return on Equity Net Income - Preferred Dividend.
According to these financial ratios TECSYS Incs valuation is way above the market valuation of its sector.
Disclaimer Certain statements in this release concerning our future prospects are forward-looking statements. According to these financial ratios TECSYS Incs valuation is way above the market valuation of its sector. The liquidity ratio of the company has been. The Container Store Group Inc. Ideal long term average ROE should be above 15. According to these financial ratios TECSYS Incs valuation is way above the market valuation of its sector.
Is significantly higher than its historical 5-year average. Average 2 year ROE of Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Ideal long term average ROE should be above 15. The ROE after subtracting preferred shares tells common shareholders how effectively their money is being employed. The EVEBITDA NTM ratio of TECSYS Inc. Return on Capital Employed 5203. MUMBAI April 16 2020. Return on Equity Net Income - Preferred Dividend. Being a service industry inventory turnover ratio is very high as inventory is very low A Fixed Asset Turnover ratio of over. Net Profit Margin 2277.
Book NAVShareRs 23137 22221 23801 44614 43490 36050. Average 2 year ROE of Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. According to these financial ratios TECSYS Incs valuation is way above the market valuation of its sector. Being a service industry inventory turnover ratio is very high as inventory is very low A Fixed Asset Turnover ratio of over. The liquidity ratio for TCS for the year 2014 is 273 and for the year 2013 are 269. Operating Margin 3272. Dividend Per ShareRs 3800 7300 3000 5000 4700 4350. Is significantly higher than its historical 5-year average. MUMBAI April 16 2020. Financial Charges Coverage Ratio.
0 0 The Balance Sheet Page of Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Is significantly higher than its historical 5-year average. Dividend Per ShareRs 3800 7300 3000 5000 4700 4350. Earnings Per Share Rs 8765 8624 8393 6761 6672 6160. Tata Consultancy Services BSE. Is significantly higher than the average of its sector Software. -012 -107 Financial Summary Financial Statements Quarter Financials Chart Financial Ratios Profile Historical Data DCF DCF Levered. Is significantly higher than the average of its sector Software. TCS enjoys a high net profit margin and has a liquid and debt-free balance sheet. According to these financial ratios TECSYS Incs valuation is way above the market valuation of its sector.
Key Financial Ratios of Tata Consultancy Services in Rs. The liquidity ratio of the company has been. The ROE after subtracting preferred shares tells common shareholders how effectively their money is being employed. This table contains critical financial ratios such as Price-to-Earnings PE Ratio Earnings-Per-Share EPS Return-On-Investment ROI and others based on Tata Consultancy Services. Tata Consultancy Services BSE. Presents the key ratios its comparison. The case provides sufficient information for a ratio analysis to be done of TCS. Forward-looking statements by their nature involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially. TCS enjoys a high net profit margin and has a liquid and debt-free balance sheet. Mar 2008 - Apr 2009 Mar 2009 - Apr 2010 Interest-coverage Ratio 78441 68443 13.
Tax Rate 2559 2320 2406 2409 2363 2356. Is significantly higher than the average of its sector Software. Forward-looking statements by their nature involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially. This table contains critical financial ratios such as Price-to-Earnings PE Ratio Earnings-Per-Share EPS Return-On-Investment ROI and others based on Tata Consultancy Services. Is significantly higher than its historical 5-year average. Operating Margin 3272. Interpretations Most of TCS activities are funded through equity rather than debt Debt-equity ratio is almost 0 Steadily growing PE ratio indicates that customers are willing to pay more for each rupee of earnings which is a major indication of TCS future growth potential IT. Diluted EPS Rs. Is significantly higher than its historical 5-year average. TCS Financial Results Quarter IV Year Ended FY 2019 - 20 April 16 2020.